backgraound of kashmir

Gujjarman from Kashmir
The most important part of the cultural identity of the Kashmiri people is the Kashmiri(Koshur) language. This language is spoken only in the Valley of Kashmir by the Kashmiri Pandits and Kashmiri Muslims. Besides language, the Kashmiri cuisine and culture has been greatly influenced by Central Asian and Persian cultures for both communities. Cultural music and dance like Wanvun, Rouf, carpet/shawl weaving and Koshur Sufiana forms a very important part of kashmiri identity. It is important to notethat Kashmiri culture is predominantly only in theValley of Kashmir. The other regions of the Larger J&K state, such as Jammu and Ladakh are very different from Kashmir.TheDumhalis a famous dance in the Kashmir valley, performed by men of the Wattal region. The women perform the Rouff, another traditional folk dance. Kashmir has been noted for its fine arts for centuries, including poetry and handicrafts.Shikaras, traditional small wooden boats, andhouseboatsare a common feature in various lakes and rivers across the Valley.Kehwa, traditional green tea with spices and almond, is consumed all through the day in the chilled winter climate of Kashmir.


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